50th anniversary speeches should blend humor, nostalgia and emotion.
Many would consider the 50th anniversary a miracle. The 50th wedding anniversary marks a point when a couple has spent more than half their lives together. People who have been married 50 years often say they grew up together, weathering the storms of young adulthood, children, job changes, debt and multiple addresses. It is definitely a milestone worth celebrating.
Here are a few limericks and other poems you can use. These work best for a toast or a written message in a card.
Reaching 50 years of wedded bliss
Is a major feat in times like this.
A lifetime together
Despite problems to weather
Has strengthened your bond that began with a kiss.
To (Husband's name) and (Wife's name) . . . you should take a bow
For reaching this milestone, staying true to your vows.
Through kids, jobs and carpools
You’ve followed those life rules
That kept your love going for 50 years now.
. . . . Congratulations!
Staying 50 years together as one
Is something that not often is done.
You've built a good life
As husband and wife
And beat all the odds while having some fun.
. . . . Congratulations!
A marriage like yours stands the test of time.
At the 50-year mark, you've aged like fine wine.
. . . . Congratulations!
50 years of laughs and fun
And may the best be yet to come.
. . . . Congratulations!
To our friends (or use names) who married 50 years ago
May your love and devotion continue to grow.
How have you done it? We want to know.
(These lines would be particularly appropriate if you are introducing the couple so they might make a few comments.)
Some statistics about marriage
Did you know that only one in 20 marriages make it for 50 years?
Being married 50 years is a landmark newlyweds dream about. Those married 20 years wonder about. Those married 30 years puzzle over, and those married 40 years pray for a miracle!
Congratulations on staying in love, beating the odds and hanging together for half a century.
Always knew you two had something special going on.
. . . . Congratulations!
Five decades together! Yet each day I still send
All my love to you, my soulmate and friend.
Now we're starting on our second 50 years!
Five decades together . . .
And along the whole way
I've been blessed by your love
From that very first day.
How quickly time passes!
Days turn into months . . . Months into years.
Now 50 years have passed since our wedding in XXXX
And I've been blessed beyond measure for every single day.
50 years we've been married.
Seems like a lifetime . . .It's certainly been an adventure.
Three (?) children, 7 addresses, 8 different dogs (pets) . . .
Great and not-so-great jobs.
A lot of laughs . . . a few tears.
And I wouldn't trade a minute of these 50 years.
It's been a wonderful life because of you.
If you are speaking at a 50th wedding anniversary party and are not sure what to say, you can start off your remarks (hopefully brief) around a clever quote about marriage. The selections below range from funny to endearing. You can start off your speech with a quote and then apply it to the couple. Also, short quotes repeated later in your speech are a great way to tie your talk together around a theme.
The quotes below include many whose source is unknown. The author is listed where available.
Love yourself first
The late Senator Ernest Hollings was asked about his long, successful marriage with his wife Peatsy. Always one to show his dry a sense of humor, the senator replied, "We're both in love with the same person."
In every good marriage, it pays sometimes to be a little deaf.
-- Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Love is sharing your popcorn.
-- Charles Schultz
Marrying a man is like buying something you've been admiring for a long time. You may love it when you get it home but it doesn't always go with everything else. So, you make a adjustments till everything is just right.
-- Unknown
50 years ago he stole her heart and so she planned her revenge. She took his last name.
-- Unknown
It's not love that makes a relationship complicated; it's the people in it who do.
-- Unknown
Love is like a headache or a backache. It doesn't show up on an MRI or X-ray but you just know it's there.
-- George Burns
A good marriage is like a casserole. Only those responsible for it really know what goes in it.
-- Unknown
A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day.
-- Andre Maurois.
Love is a two-way street constantly under construction.
-- Carroll Bryant.
Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell.
-- Joan Crawford
Husband and wife come to look alike at last.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes
Married couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking
-- Chinese proverb
Real love amounts to withholding the truth even when you're offered the perfect opportunity to hurt someone's feelings.
-- David Sedaris
Marriage is not just spiritual communion and passionate embraces. Marriage is also three meals a day and remembering to carry out the trash.
-- Joyce Brothers
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
-- Carl Gustav Jung
When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can love them for who they are.
-- Donald Miller
True love is the only heart disease that is best left to "run on" -- the only affliction of the heart for which there is no help and none desired.
-- Mark Twain
Marriage is like vitamins: we supplement each other's minimum daily requirements.
-- Kathy Mohnke
Of all the home remedies, a good wife is best.
-- Kin Hubbard
The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.
-- Henry Youngman
What we find in a soulmate is not something wild to tame but something wild to run with.
-- Robert Brault
Love doesn't mean anything if you're not willing to make a commitment,; Then you have to think not only about what you want but about what the person you love wants. Not just now, but in the future.
-- Nicholas Sparks
You don't marry someone you can live with.
You marry the person you cannot live without.
-- Unknown
To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with.
-- Mark Twain
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage and half shut afterwards.
-- Ben Franklin
Sometimes, perhaps, we are allowed to get lost so that we may find the right person to ask directions of.
-- Robert Brault
If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart. I'll be there forever.
-- Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne)
For other quotes on love, marriage and commitment, check out this quote section on Goodreads.
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